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SharpInputSystem Namespace

Class Types

Class Summary
Axis Base type for all device components (button, axis, etc)
BaseJoystickListener To recieve buffered joystick input, derive a class from this, and implement the methods here. Then set the call back to your JoyStick instance with JoyStick::setEventCallback Each JoyStick instance can use the same callback class, as a devID number will be provide to differentiate between connected joysticks. Of course, each can have a seperate callback instead.
Button Base type for all device components (button, axis, etc)
Component Base type for all device components (button, axis, etc)
Effect Force Feedback is a relatively complex set of properties to upload to a device. The best place for information on the different properties, effects, etc is in the DX Documentation and MSDN - there are even pretty graphs ther =) As this class is modeled on the the DX interface you can apply that same knowledge to creating effects via this class on any OS supported by OIS. In anycase, this is the main class you will be using. There is *absolutely* no need to instance any of the supporting ForceEffect classes yourself.
ForceFeedback Interface class for dealing with Force Feedback devices
JoystickEventArgs Specialized for joystick events
Keyboard Keyboard base class. To be implemented by specific system (i.e. DirectX Keyboard) This class is useful as you remain OS independent using this common interface.
KeyEventArgs Specialized for key events
LibX11 Part of the libX11 library on unix platforms.
Mouse Mouse base class. To be implemented by specific system (ie. DirectX Mouse) This class is useful as you remain OS independent using this common interface.
MouseEventArgs Specialized for mouse events
MouseState Represents the state of the mouse All members are valid for both buffered and non buffered mode
NoopConfigurationReader Implementation of IConfigurationReader that uses the standard .NET configuration APIs, ConfigurationSettings in 1.x and ConfigurationManager in 2.0
Pair<K, T>
Pov POV / HAT Joystick component
Slider A sliding axis
Vector3 A 3D Vector component (perhaps an orientation, as in the WiiMote)

Enum Types

Enum Summary
ComponentType type specifier for all components (button, axis, etc)
KeyCode Keyboard scan codes
MouseButtonID Button ID for mouse devices

Interface Types

Interface Summary
IForceEffect Base class of all effect property classes
IKeyboardListener To receive buffered keyboard input, implement this interface in a class. Then set the call back to your Keyboard instance with Keyboard.SetEventCallback
IMouseListener To recieve buffered mouse input, derive a class from this, and implement the methods here. Then set the call back to your Mouse instance with Mouse::setEventCallback
InputObjectFactory Interface for creating devices - all devices ultimately get enumerated/created via a factory. A factory can create multiple types of objects.

Struct Types

Struct Summary
ConditionalEffect Use this class when dealing with Force type of Conditional
ConstantEffect Use this class when dealing with Force type of Constant
Envelope An optional envelope to be applied to the start/end of an effect.
PeriodicEffect Use this class when dealing with Force type of Periodic
RampEffect Use this class when dealing with Force type of Ramp
