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Effect Class


Force Feedback is a relatively complex set of properties to upload to a device. The best place for information on the different properties, effects, etc is in the DX Documentation and MSDN - there are even pretty graphs ther =) As this class is modeled on the the DX interface you can apply that same knowledge to creating effects via this class on any OS supported by OIS. In anycase, this is the main class you will be using. There is *absolutely* no need to instance any of the supporting ForceEffect classes yourself.
Base Types
  • object
graph BT Type-->Base0["object"] Type["Effect"] class Type type-node


public class Effect


Name Summary
Effect(Effect.EForce, Effect.EType) Create and effect with the specified Force and Type


Name Constant Value Summary
INFINITE_TIME 4294967295
Infinite Time


Name Value Summary
AxesCount int
Get/Set the number of Axes to use before the initial creation of the effect.
Direction Effect.EDirection
Direction to apply to the force - affects two axes+ effects
Force Effect.EForce
Properties depend on EForce
ForceEffect IForceEffect
Get the specific Force Effect. This should be cast depending on the EForce
Handle int
ReplayDelay uint
Time to wait before to start playing an effect (microseconds)
ReplayLength uint
Duration of an effect (microseconds)
TriggerButton int
Number of button triggering an effect (-1 means no trigger)
TriggerInterval uint
Time to wait before an effect can be re-triggered (microseconds)
Type Effect.EType